Board of Education

The Prosser School District Board of Directors will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 6:00pm in the Prosser High School Library Workroom, 1500 Paterson Rd. Prosser WA 99350.

The business to be transacted:

A. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Approval of Agenda

B. Protocol for Addressing Board:

Welcome to the Board Meeting.pdf

C. Hearing of Visitors:

D. Student Representative Reports

E. Discussion Items:

1. Small Works Projects

F. Action Items:

1. Vouchers and Payroll


2. Prosser School District Tennis Courts Agreement

A105-2017 - Final - 001(1).pdf

A105 Exibit A TOC of Specs.pdf

3. Step 1 of Budget Approval Process

4. PEA Contract

PEA Contract 2024-2027.pdf

G. Budget Hearing:

H. Consent Items:

1. Certificated Personnel

There are no recommendations at this time.

2. Classified Personnel

There are no recommendations at this time.

3. Approval of Minutes

June 26, 2024 - Regular Board Minutes (English).pdf

I. Reports:

1. Director of Business and Operations Dalise Weddle

2. Superintendent Kim Casey

3. Board Members' Reports

J. Future Meetings:

Special Board Meeting, July 17, 2024, Prosser High School Library Workroom, 6:00 p.m.

K. Adjournment:

If you would like to Zoom into the meeting, please follow one of these pathways:

Meeting Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876

Passcode: 281163

For a non-video call-in option dial: 253 205 0468

Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876

Passcode: 281163