Virtual Learning Expecations

Student Expectations:

  • Check Canvas and school email daily.

  • Engage in daily assignments during the times that you are most productive.

  • Attend live classroom discussions to the maximum extent possible.

  • Seek help and support from teachers when needed.

  • Comply with individual class expectations as outlined by each teacher.

  • Log-in credentials are for the student only and should not be shared with anyone.

  • Students shall adhere to all provisions identified in their signed network use agreement.

  • Behavior in all live video, recorded video, online discussions, and written work must be respectful and courteous to other students and staff.Inappropriate, offensive or threatening behavior by any participant will result in being dismissed from the activity and appropriate disciplinary action.

  • Virtual Learning Etiquette

    • Screen names must be your actual name or initials.

    • Profile pictures must be school appropriate.

    • Students are encouraged to engage with their camera on.

    • Students are encouraged to use a neutral background or assure that their surroundings are school appropriate.

    • Keep microphone muted at all times unless you are speaking

    • Raise your hand to speak.

    • Use the chat for appropriate signals, emoji’s, questions, comments.

    • Always be respectful with your words, actions and content towards your teacher and classmates.

Parent/Guardian Expectations:

  • Help your student establish a daily routine that works for your family.This includes a suitable time and place for school work.

  • Virtual learning opportunities are designed for students.To prevent disruptions to the learning environment, parents/guardians should refrain from participating in their child’s virtual learning sessions.Teacher will be available to discuss concerns or questions at a scheduled time.

  • Parents/guardians should not engage with their students during virtual sessions.If it is necessary to talk with your child at this time, please turn off video, mute the microphone so that the classroom environment is not disrupted.

  • Attendance in the virtual environment will be taken daily.All State and school attendance policies apply in the virtual environment.When a student is unable to participate due to illness, appointments, etc., the parent/guardian should call the attendance office at 509-786-2092 or email immediately.